Studio Controls
COM v7.0.0.1
ctxCalendar -
(v4.0.0.2) |
- Fix for issue with the BreakChar
- Fix for issue with the
TimeDblClick and UserDrawnColorCell events
not firing for AllDay time cells
- Fixed for issue with UserDrawnCellText
event not receiving the correct Time value
when triggered by an AllDay time cell
ctxCombo -
(v2.0.0.6) |
- Fix for issue with the BreakChar
property not correctly using certain
- (v3.0.0.4) |
- Fix for issue with the BreakChar
property not correctly using certain
Studio Controls
COM 64-Bit v7.0
ctxCheck -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX multi-state check
box Selection control
ctxDial -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX analog and
digital instrument dial control
ctxDigit -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX alpha-numeric
digital dashboard control
- (v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Outlook style
navigation menu control
ctxFold -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Tabbed File
Folder Container control
ctxGroup -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Group Box
ctxNavBar -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX Content and Data
Navigation control
ctxPanel -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Outlook
style, Windows navigation UI / UX
ctxTabs -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Paged Tab
Data presentation control
ctxTreeView -
(v3.0.0.5) |
- Fixed an issue with the BreakChar
property not correctly using certain
Studio Controls
COM 64-Bit v6.0
ctxCalendar - (v4.0.0.0)
Enhancements and upgrades for
ctxCalendar v4.0 include:
Appointment Information Line,
Enhanced Gesture Handling,
Appointment Resize Enhancements,
Appointment Edit Window Fill,
Appointment Border Enhancements,
Appointment Image Management;
Appointment Edit Windows focus,
Enhanced how the control hides the
edit window when focus is lost so
that the appointment remains
selected; Adjusted when the resize
handles are stored in the internal
hittest array, to enforce their
Z-Order priority over other
appointments; Adjusted the painting
routines so that any selected
appointment (read only or not) in
any view is displayed using the
thicker selected border
ctxGauge - (v3.0.0.1) |
- Enhanced graphics features for
Needle, Path and Pin primary
elements Internal Image List
Enhanced to manage up to 250 Images
ctxHTML -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New ActiveX HTML Browser Control
- Browse Sites on the Worldwide Web,
as well, folders on a local file
ctxImage -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New Image List Control -
Internal Image List management for
up to 250 images and/or 250 Image
ctxToolbar -
(v3.0.0.1) |
- Internal Image List Enhanced to
mange up to 250 Images; New Button
Count; count all top level items in
the control; New Item Count; Count
of all items in the control; Set
Tooltip for items disabled in the
What's New in Studio Controls COM 64
ctxCalendar - (v3.0) |
- NEW Functionality: Appointment
Index; User Drawn Date Header Text;
User Drawn Cell Text; Cell Font;
Day View - Selected Start / End Time,
Selected Column; Day View Printing
Enhanced; Location Item Index Values -
Appointment, Contact, Location and Task;
Enhanced Appointment Item Detail for Day,
Month and Week Views;
- (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit and
64 bit ActiveX Windows Color Pallet
Selection Control
ctxDate - (v3.0) |
- NEW Functionality: Hit Test
Methods for Area At and Date At
ctxDropDate - (v3.0) |
- NEW Functionality: Close / Hide Drop
Calendar when Fill Date is Selected (CloseOnFillClick
Property); Automatic Date Selection
when Drop Calendar is Navigated (SelectOnChange
ctxFile - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit and
64 bit ActiveX File Open and Files Save
Dialogue Control. Features included:
Multi-Select; Multi-Path Name;
Selectable Windows Explorer Style...
- (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit and
64 bit ActiveX Font Selection Dialogue
ctxFrame - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32
Bit and 64 Bit ActiveX ISimpleFrame
container control providing snap-in
functionality for developers to create
boxes, title bars and container objects with
a variety of border effects.
- (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit and
64 bit ActiveX Printer Dialogue Control.
Present either the Print or Print Setup
ctxSplit - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit and
64 bit ActiveX UI Design Control with
discrete navigation zones
What's New in Studio Controls COM 64 v4.0
ctxCalendar - (v2.0) |
- New for Studio Controls COM 64,
ctxCalendar combines the best of three
appointment scheduling worlds into one 32 /
64 bit ActiveX control. Multi Column Day
View, Monthly Calendar and a Week View. Load Data once
and present Appointment, Contact, Location
and Task detail across one, two or all three
ctxContact - (v2.0) |
- Contact Management, Rolodex...
Create custom Rolodexes and contact
management systems with ctxContact. Perfect
for enhancing Corporate and Personal
Information Management solutions. A great
set of features provide full customization
options for Developers.
What's New in Studio Controls COM 64 v3.0
- (v2.0) |
- A new gauge
control supporting a Primary and an
array of Secondary Gauges,
independent needle and needle points
for each Gauge instance (primary and
secondary gauges), animation and
User Drawn Text highlight the new
- (v3.0) |
- Create
Image, Image Height and Image Width
attributes have been added
- (v3.0) |
- New
Circular Meter Presentations -
developers have complete control
over meter presentations features
including: define a Meter's path -
start end angles, the meter value,
add circular meter brush styles and
enhance detailed information with
the new User Draw Text capabilities.
- (v3.0) |
- Auto
Ellipsis, control styles, text
angle, text image, font presentation
and Mnemonic key round-out
enhancements for this new version.
- (v3.0) |
- Create
Image, Image Height and Image Width
attributes have been added
Studio ControlsTM
COM 64 contains 15 Unicode
compliant, modern Windows UX Design ActiveX
controls for Calendaring, Data input and Data
editing, Windows Navigation, Data presentation,
Reporting and Scheduling that can be used in any
development environment that supports 32/64 bit
OCX/ActiveX™ OLE components. |
Product Manager -
Studio Controls COM 64 is offered on an annual
subscription basis, providing the registered
owner / licensed developer the 15 components
listed below, all updates to those controls plus
any new controls added to the product during the
subscription period. The subscription service,
managed via the Product Manager, includes direct
access to the products technical support group,
online - 24 x 7 license management, online - 24
x 7 software activations and all product
upgrades released during the active subscription
period. |
Supporting - Please
note that the ActiveX (COM) controls have been
compiled with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 C++
compiler, requiring the appropriate 32 or 64 bit
versions of the Microsoft supporting files:
these files are not found on your development
system, or the destination system, they can be
downloaded from
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2019667 |
ctxCombo - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, Multi column drop down combo box control
- Migrating from ctCombo - ctxCombo
contains new internal Image List functionality
and there are new properties for assigning
images to items in the drop list. You will want
to use these new features instead of the old
ctxDate - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, single | multi-month calendar presentation
- Migrating from ctDate - all of the
properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxDate.
ctxDEdit - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, dropdown date | time edit control
- Migrating from ctDEdit - all of the
properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxDEdit.
ctxDropDate - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, dropdown calendar | date selection control
- Migrating from ctDropDate - all of
the properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxDropDate
ctxDropMenu - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, multi-level drop down menu control
- Migrating from ctDropMenu - all of
the properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxDropMenu.
(v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, Outlook Bar-style navigation control
Migrating from ctListBar - a few of
the drag drop related methods have been modified: |
- a) Use the "Object" keyword when
DragDrop is reserved. Example: "ctxListBar.Object.DragDrop"
- b) Use the "Object" keyword when
DragOver is reserved. Example: "ctxListBar.Object.DragOver"
ctxListView - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, List View data presentation and snap-in
Reporting control
- Migrating from ctListView - a few of
the drag drop related methods have been modified, also CreateJPG is not available at this time:
- a) Use the "Object" keyword when
DragDrop is reserved. Example: "ctxListBar.Object.DragDrop"
- b) Use the "Object" keyword when
DragOver is reserved. Example: "ctxListBar.Object.DragOver"
- c) CreateJPG is not currently
supported in the 'ctx' controls
ctxMEdit - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, Masked Edit control
- Migrating from ctDropMenu - all of
the properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxDropMenu.
ctxMeter - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, Meter and Progress display control
- Migrating from ctMeter - the
originating MinValue and MaxValue properties
have been change to 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' to
accommodate Unicode and 64-bit compliance.
ctxNEdit - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, drop down numeric edit control
- Migrating from ctNEdit - all of the
properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxNEdit.
ctxSlide - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, slider control:
- Migrating from ctSlide - all of the
properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxSlide.
ctxTips - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, Fully customizable Tool Tip control:
- Migrating from ctTips - all of the
properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxTips.
ctxToolBar - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, Windows Navigation ToolBar control:
- Migrating from ctToolBar - all of
the properties, events and methods have been
maintained from the original 32-bit control to
the new 64-bit product control, ctxToolBar.
ctxTreeView (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode, multi - level hierarchical Tree View control:
Migrating from ctTreeView - a few of
the drag drop related methods and have been
modified, also CreateJPG is not available at this time: |
- a) Use the "Object" keyword when
DragDrop is reserved. Example: "ctxListBar.Object.DragDrop"
- b) Use the "Object" keyword when
DragOver is reserved. Example: "ctxListBar.Object.DragOver"
- c) CreateJPG is not currently
supported in the 'ctx' controls
ctxYear - (v2.0): |
- 32 bit and 64 bit, Unicode - 3, 4, 6 and 12 month Calendar presentation
- Migrating from ctYear - a number of
properties were depricated some time ago,
emphasis is now placed on developers using the
correct properties:
- a) DateBackColor ( DayColor
was depricated )
- b) DateFont ( DayFont was
depricated )
- c) DayTextColor ( DayForeColor was
depricatetd )
Best Practices -
When implementing controls best practice follows
setting a control's Properties, Events and
Methods (PEM's) in code. This makes
upgrading the controls down the road a fairly
simple and straight forward process.
If setting a components PEM's at design time has
been a coding norm, using the custom and stock
Microsoft property pages with the new 64-bit
controls will be different. |