DBI Technologies Inc - xAIgent, Studio Controls, Solutions Schedule, Doc-Tags, SEO Assistant, The Document Index Generator, IndexDoc.com, Staff-Scheduler.com

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Studio Controls  v7 Update
  Developer Communities
  RAG Episode 4
  Optimizing AI
  Special Offers
Making Content Findable
  Tech Tip
  License Renew Promo

Studio Controls COM v7.0.0.1

Studio Controls COM Studio Controls COM 64 v7 Update    
Studio Controls COM and Studio Controls COM 64 version update has been released.  Welcome to Studio Controls COM version and Studio Controls COM 64 version
Updates released include: 
Included with Studio Controls COM version 7 and Studio Controls COM 64 version 7 support for MFC v143.
For additional product details please see:
Studio Controls COM v7.0
Studio Controls COM 64  v7.0

Developer Communities

      DBI offers product and technical code level support for many Development Platforms (IDE's) including Visual Studio C# and VB .NET, Microsoft Access, Visual C++, VBA, Visual FoxPro and Visual FoxPro-Advanced.  Studio Controls and Solutions Schedule products include detailed technical help files and code-based sample apps per component written in these platforms giving developers a quick head start on working with DBI component software.  
Sudio Controls COM v7.0 and Studio Controls COM 64 v7.0   Visual Studio with Studio Controls COM, Studio Controls COM 64 and Solutions Schedule COM 64  
  Visual FoxPro and VFP-A  - Studio Controls COM, Studio Controls COM 64 and Solutions Schedule COM 64  
  For Visual C++, both Studio Controls COM and Studio Controls COM 64 include, per component sample applications and wrappers for Visual C++.   Studio Controls COM 64 offers VC++ developers both 32-bit and 64-bit development controls for target system flexibility.  
  Visual C++ - Studio Controls COM 64 and Solutions Schedule COM 64  
      The same is true for Microsoft Access and LabVIEW.  Studio Controls COM 64 and Solutions Schedule COM 64 offer great developer flexibility for development and target O/S builds with both 32-bit and 64-bit development controls included with these products.  
      MS Access - Studio Controls COM 64 and Solutions Schedule COM 64  
      Implementing Drag and Drop in Microsoft Access   

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

      Language often holds multiple meanings. Content for example - used to describe a sense of satisfaction or being pleased. Also used in terms of a collection of information that wraps presentation of a topic or subject. Used in context of information retrieval, Content might be referred to the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned. We might be very content (pleased) if we were able to put our fingers on the exact content (information) we desire, especially when it is of utmost importance.

How can we gain a greater sense of contentment when it comes to findability of the content we so desire, given the impatience of our work environment? Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) enhanced with xAIgent.

RAG part 4 - Content Filtering and re-Rankings
After retrieval, a common step in RAG pipelines is to filter or re-rank the retrieved content based on relevance to the user query. xAIgent assists in this process by scoring or prioritizing content based on keyphrase relevance, allowing the system to surface the most useful information for the generation process.

This ranking of results based on extracted contextually relevant keyphrases helps refine the information that the LLM uses, improving the quality of the final generated response.
xAIgent and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)     
      See how xAIgent can help optimize your retrieval...  https://xAIgent.net  

Making Content Findable TM

      Are you engaged with Microsoft Viva, working with SharePoint for content management or exploiting Confluence, Oracle HCM or another knowledge based solution?  Fine tuning existing knowledge content and content streams under management offers another level of contextual relevance and retrieval accuracy.

See how your content can be more findable with the cutting edge AI tagging capabilities of xAIgent...

Find out more at https://xAIgent.net   
xAIgent.net - Using Doc-Tags to Make Content Findable     

Tech Tip - Optimizing Appointment Queries

We often come across unique reporting needs, such as querying a resource plan or an existing schedule for reporting all scheduled service calls for multiple locations and for a specific time frame and do so expeditiously. 
  Solutions Schedule - Project Management Sample App   
  In this How To Tech tip we demonstrate one approach for optimizing fast reporting schedule appointment details implemented with Solutions Schedule for .NET.  
Solutions Schedule - End To End Supply Chain Visibility     


On All New Purchases  

Next in the Line up

    ctxGrid - 64-bit   
    Studio Controls .NET Core  

DBI Product Services  


    Subscription products offer DBI component owners great value, online, 24 hours a day, when you need product support the most - we're there for you:  
Great Customer Service - DBI Technologies Inc.  * All component updates released during the subscription period
* All product upgrades released during the subscription period
* All bug fixes Released up to and during the Subscription period
* Direct access to the product’s Technical Support Team
* Online and Offline License Management including Transfers
* Online and Offline New Install Activations
* Component backward compatibility
* Legacy Controls and Product Assistance
    Renew Any Expired Subscription License Today and SAVE !  


Best Wishes of Season and for the New Year !


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