News from DBI Technologies - Solutions Schedule, Studio Controls, Doc-Tags, xAIgent, .NET Scheduling Framework and Staff Scheduler Pro 

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  Solutions Schedule .NET  v9
  Special Offer
  Project Management SC
  AI Resources
  Making Content Findable
  Tech Tip 

Solutions Schedule .NET  v9

SOLUTIONS SCHEDULE .NET  v9 Construction crews, volunteers, broadcast channels, heavy equipment, movie sets, air planes, production lines, trucks, rental fleets, international flight routes, service teams, shipping vessels, hospital equipment and operating rooms, golf courses, hotel rooms, distribution centres... Enterprise resources are always managed and measured in increments of time.  Satisfying customers and keeping up with supply chain disruptions requires the right resources, locating those resources in their right places at the right times with the right set of tools. All entities are resources and what makes Planning and Scheduling right for your organization depends upon how those resources are presented.

The Five Dimensions of Resource Planning and Scheduling.

The ability to creatively present any number of resources across an ever changing and variable timeline with Gantt style Drag and Drop precision provides accurate visibility. End to End Visibility.  For sourcing raw materials to having the finished product professionally installed and serviced. Developers rely upon Solutions Schedule to meet their ever changing business requirements for uncommon results. Test drive Solutions Schedule today - you'll be glad that you did.

Solutions Schedule .NET v9.0
Visualizing Enterprise Resource Data Your WinForms Enterprise Way!

Enterprise Data Visualization On Your Terms


Inflation Fighting, Spring Step Inducing
Special Time Limited Offer



Project Management with Solutions Schedule

  As noted above, we often discuss development of scheduling applications in terms of Multiple Resources and Enterprise Resource Planning.  In that context, often one resource and the activity it represents is not dependant upon another resource, even though we use Gantt style drag and drop functionality for managing enterprise resource optimizations. 

Through all of those discussions we have never presented, in a source code sample, how developers can exercise Solutions Schedule for actual project management style functionality. We've fixed that as you will note in the screenshot below.
      Solutions Schedule .NET v9 - Project Management Gantt  
      For the asking, you are welcome to exercise this source code sample to launch your own custom project management solution - send us a note for the download details.

The Project Management / Gantt demo source code sample will be included in the next release of Solutions Schedule .NET.  In which, you will find an encapsulated Project Management (sample) application, using Solutions Schedule .NET's built-in XML data management capabilities and the full source written in C# and VB .NET.
 Solutions Schedule

AI Resources

You may have noticed, AI has become a bit of a talking point.  Your inbox and feeds are no doubt inundated slicing and dicing your attention seven ways...  Want to narrow your focus, Allie K Miller is a pretty good resource:  

Making Content Findable(tm)

    Here's an interesting twist for improving your own enterprise content management and there's No pre-training the AI process either. Integrate xAIgent and / or Doc-Tags and / or The Document Index Generator for automating your approach to elevating enterprise knowledge so your stakeholders can truly Find what they're looking for, when they're looking for it.  Make Your Content Findable (tm)

Let's unpack that a little bit:

The xAIgent (API) is really good at extracting Contextually Accurate and Relevant Tags (keyphrases) from Any subject matter text in six international languages. In fact, xAIgent is so good at what it does that it has its own patent-based process at its core.

Take those tags / keyphrases (or have Doc-Tags do it for you) and upscale each content file with its own set of Contextually Accurate and Relevant highlight Tags. With precision. Automatically. And Voila! In very short order you can curate and elevate your enterprise knowledge with super Findable powers.

Investigate xAIgent Today
xAIgent - Curating and Making Content Findable   

Tech Tip

Optimizing Queries with Solutions Schedule .NET

      We often come across unique reporting needs, such as querying a resource plan or an existing schedule for reporting all scheduled service calls for districts 5 and 6 between 6:00am and 9:00am for instance, and we want to do so expeditiously. 

In this How To we demonstrate one approach for optimizing fast reporting of appointment / time bar (schedule appointment) details implemented with Solutions Schedule for .NET.
      Solutions Schedule .NET v9 - Optimize Reporting  


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