ActiveX Controls for Enterprise Application Design


ctxTreeView  -  Is a 32-bit and 64-bit ActiveX navigational hierarchical treeview and data outline control offering extensive presentation, interaction, and print functionality - ideal for document management, index entries, file directory structures, snap-in reporting and more.
ctxTreeView has been designed for high volume data environments where performance, compatibility and functionality are must-have requirements for enterprise and commercial software solutions.    
ctxTreeView - 32-bit and 64-Bit Unicode ActiveX - Hierarchical Data presentation and Navigation Tree  
Node Objects : ctxTreeView consists of a series of node objects. Each node may have its own text (or label), bitmaps, check boxes and radio buttons. 
Each node item in the list may also have subordinate items or children. These children are represented as indented levels. 
When a parent item is expanded, its immediate child items become visible. When the parent item is collapsed, child items are hidden. 
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Single and Multi-column Sort  - Sort the TreeView on values contained in any one, or combination of up to three columns simultaneously. Sorting can be based on column data type (i.e. text, numeric, or dates) 
Node Cargo and Node Data  - ctxTreeView includes non-visible properties into which text strings (cargo) or integer (data) may be associated with specific nodes. This feature is perfect for storing a records key information. The FindData and FindNext methods provide the ability to locate nodes according to these hidden data values. 
Edit Node Text  - ctxTreeView's first column can be set to an edit mode. End-users may enter or edit node text by selecting it with a mouse.   
Sub-Text - Each node item can contain its regular text as well as sub-text.  
Tool Tips  -  ctxTreeview can display three different types of tool tips.  Line Tips appear when the mouse moves over the text of a node. Parent Tips appear when the mouse moves over the line area of the parent.  Scroll Tips appear when the vertical scroll bar is being moved.  
ctxTreeView - 32-Bit and 64-Bit Unicode ActiveX - Hierarchical Data presentation and Navigation Tree  
Node Cargo and Node Data  - ctxTree includes non-visible properties into which text strings (cargo) or integer (data) may be associated with specific nodes. This feature is perfect for storing a records key information. The FindData and FindNext methods provide the ability to locate nodes according to these hidden data values. 
Check Box Support  - Support for check boxes in any cell in the control. Support for custom (user supplied) check box images. 
Column Designer Property Page  - Design all columns through the controls property pages. 
Load Directory - The tree can load the current contents of a directory directly into itself. 
Multi-Select  - Support for multi-select. 
Radio Button Support  - Support for child nodes to be group and set up with radio buttons (first column only). Support for custom (developer supplied) radio button images. 
Column Data Types - Columns can be defined as text, numeric, or date/time. This now aids in the column sorts 
Header Items  - Set list items as headers.  
Printing  - Built in printing makes it easy to print reports and data presented in the TreeView. Support for a wide variety of paper sizes, custom properties and events allow the control to accommodate unconventional paper sizes. Additional developer controlled page breaks, footers, page numbers, and printer handle features offer precision reporting and data presentations. 
ctxTreeView - 64 Bit Unicode ActiveX - Hierarchical Data presentation and Navigation Tree  
Current Windows Styles  - The background of the title, header, and main control can all be colored with different styles including patterns for horizontal, vertical, diagonal, horizontal-bump, vertical-bump, pyramid, diamond, circular and elliptical gradient fills. Set header styles and header over styles including sort arrow types and styles.
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Product Highlights  -  Controls found in Studio Controls COM 64
  ctxCalendar ctxDropDate ctxHTML ctxPrint  
  ctxCheck ctxDropMenu ctxImage ctxSlide  
  ctxColor ctxExplorerBar ctxListbar ctxSplit  
  ctxCombo ctxFile ctxListView ctxTabs  
  ctxContact ctxFold ctxMEdit ctxText  
  ctxDate ctxFont ctxMeter ctxTips  
  ctxDEdit ctxFrame ctxNavBar ctxToolbar  
  ctxDial ctxGauge ctxNEdit ctxTreeView  
  ctxDigit ctxGroup ctxPanel ctxYear  
    What's Included Licensing Options Feature Highlights ActiveX COM Products
    Royalty Free Distribution > Single Developer Latest Windows Styles > Solutions Schedule COM 64
    Detailed documentation > Five Developer Data view Progress Bars > Studio Controls COM 64
  Sample Applications > Site License Hit Test Methods  
  - Access, VB, VFP DBI Platform Product > Solutions Schedule COM
  - Compiled / Executables > What's New Data presentation tools > Studio Controls COM
  - Source Code Samples Custom Navigation  
    Annual component updates Fast, Intuitive component-based  programming .NET | XAML Controls
Annual product upgrades > Studio Controls .NET
  Direct Access to Support   Access Licensing Support > Solutions Schedule .NET
  24 hour Activations Current Windows Styles > Solutions Schedule WPF
  Online License Management Windows 10 certified > DBI Calendar WPF
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