for Enterprise
Application Design |
Studio Controls
COM v7.0.0.1
ctxCalendar -
(v4.0.0.2) |
- Fix for issue with the BreakChar
- Fix for issue with the
TimeDblClick and UserDrawnColorCell
events not firing for AllDay time
- Fixed for issue with
UserDrawnCellText event not
receiving the correct Time value
when triggered by an AllDay time
ctxCombo -
(v2.0.0.6) |
- Fix for issue with the
BreakChar property not correctly
using certain characters.
- (v3.0.0.4) |
- Fix for issue with the BreakChar
property not correctly using certain
Studio Controls
COM v7.0
ctxCheck -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX multi-state check
box Selection control
ctxDial -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX analog and
digital instrument dial control
ctxDigit -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX alpha-numeric
digital dashboard control
- (v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Outlook style
navigation menu control
ctxFold -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Tabbed File
Folder Container control
ctxGroup -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Group Box
ctxNavBar -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX Content and Data
Navigation control
ctxPanel -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Outlook
style, Windows navigation UI / UX
ctxTabs -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New, enhanced Unicode, 32
bit and 64 bit ActiveX Paged Tab
Data presentation control
ctxTreeView -
(v3.0.0.5) |
- Fixed an issue with the
BreakChar property not correctly
using certain characters
Studio Controls
COM v6.0
ctxCalendar - (v4.0.0.0) |
- Enhancements and upgrades for
ctxCalendar v4.0 include:
Appointment Information Line,
Enhanced Gesture Handling,
Appointment Resize Enhancements,
Appointment Edit Window Fill,
Appointment Border Enhancements,
Appointment Image Management;
Appointment Edit Windows focus,
Enhanced how the control hides the
edit window when focus is lost so
that the appointment remains
selected; Adjusted when the resize
handles are stored in the internal
hittest array, to enforce their
Z-Order priority over other
appointments; Adjusted the painting
routines so that any selected
appointment (read only or not) in
any view is displayed using the
thicker selected border
ctxGauge - (v3.0.0.1) |
- Enhanced graphics features for
Needle, Path and Pin primary
elements Internal Image List
Enhanced to manage up to 250 Images
ctxHTML -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New ActiveX HTML Browser Control
- Browse Sites on the Worldwide Web,
as well, folders on a local file
ctxImage -
(v1.0.0.1) |
- New Image List Control -
Internal Image List management for
up to 250 images and/or 250 Image
ctxToolbar -
(v3.0.0.1) |
- Internal Image List Enhanced to
mange up to 250 Images; New Button
Count; count all top level items in
the control; New Item Count; Count
of all items in the control; Set
Tooltip for items disabled in the
Studio Controls
COM v5.0
ctxCalendar - (v3.0) |
Functionality: Appointment Index;
User Drawn Date Header Text; User
Drawn Cell Text; Cell Font; Day
View - Selected Start / End Time,
Selected Column; Day View Printing
Enhanced; Location Item Index
Values - Appointment, Contact,
Location and Task; Enhanced
Appointment Item Detail for Day,
Month and Week Views;
ctxColor - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced
Unicode, 32 bit and 64 bit ActiveX
Windows Color Pallet Selection
ctxDate - (v3.0) |
- NEW Functionality: Hit Test
Methods for Area At and Date At
ctxDropDate - (v3.0) |
- NEW Functionality: Close / Hide
Drop Calendar when Fill Date is
Selected (CloseOnFillClick
Property); Automatic Date Selection
when Drop Calendar is Navigated (SelectOnChange
ctxFile - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX File Open and
Files Save Dialogue Control.
Features included: Multi-Select;
Multi-Path Name; Selectable Windows
Explorer Style
ctxFont - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX Font Selection
Dialogue control
ctxFrame - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 Bit
and 64 Bit ActiveX ISimpleFrame
container control providing snap-in
functionality for developers to
create boxes, title bars and
container objects with a variety of
border effects
ctxPrint - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX Printer Dialogue
Control. Present either the Print
or Print Setup Dialogues
ctxSplit - (v2.0) |
- NEW: Enhanced Unicode, 32 bit
and 64 bit ActiveX UI Design Control
with discrete navigation zones
What's New in Studio Controls
COM v1.7
ctxCalendar - (v2.0) |
- New for Studio Controls COM,
ctxCalendar combines the best of
three appointment scheduling worlds
into one 32 bit ActiveX control.
Multi Column Day View, Monthly
Calendar, Week View. Load Data once
and present Appointment, Contact,
Location and Task detail across one,
two or all three views
ctxContact - (v2.0) |
- Contact Management, Rolodex...
Create custom Rolodexes and contact
management systems with ctxContact.
Perfect for enhancing Corporate and
Personal Information Management
solutions. A great set of features
provide full customization options
for Developers
What's New in Studio Controls
COM v1.6
ctxGauge -
(v2.0) |
- A new gauge control supporting a
Primary and an array of Secondary
Gauges, independent needle and
needle points for each Gauge
instance (primary and secondary
gauges), animation and User Drawn
Text highlight the new additions
ctxListView -
(v3.0) |
- Create Image, Image Height and
Image Width attributes have been
- (v3.0) |
- New Circular Meter Presentations
- developers have complete control
over meter presentations features
including: define a Meter's path -
start end angles, the meter value,
add circular meter brush styles and
enhance detailed information with
the new User Draw Text capabilities
ctxText - (v3.0) |
- Auto Ellipsis, control styles,
text angle, text image, font
presentation and Mnemonic key
round-out enhancements for this new
ctxTreeView -
(v3.0) |
- Create Image, Image Height and
Image Width attributes have been
What's New in Studio Controls
COM v1.5:
- (v6.0.0.0)
Unicode version of Combo
released, backward compatible with
ctxDate (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of Date
released, backward compatible with
ctxDEdit (v2.0.0.1 |
Unicode version of Date Edit
released, backward compatible with
ctxDropDate (v2.0.0.2) |
Unicode version of
DropDate released, backward
compatible with ctDropDate
ctxDropMenu (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of
DropMenu released, backward
compatible with ctDropMenu
ctxListView (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of
List View released, backward
compatible with ctList
ctxListBar (v2.0.0.2) |
Unicode version of
ListBar released, backward
compatible with ctListBar
ctxMeter (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of
Meter released, backward compatible
with ctMeter
ctxMEdit (v2.0.0.1)
Unicode version of Masked Edit
control released, backward
compatible with ctMEdit
ctxNEdit (v2.0.0.2) |
Unicode version of Numeric
Edit control released, backward
compatible with ctNEdit
ctxSlide (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of
Slider control released, backward
compatible with ctSlide
ctxTips (v2.0.0.2) |
Unicode version of
Tool Tip control released, backward
compatible with ctTips
ctxToolBar (v2.0.0.2) |
Unicode version of
Tool Bar control released, backward
compatible with ctToolBar
ctxTree (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of
Tree View control released, backward
compatible with ctTreeView
ctxYear (v2.0.0.1) |
Unicode version of Year Calendar control
released, backward compatible with
ctYear |
Note -
all ctx controls are new, they have
unique GUIDs and unique Libarary Names
and are backward compatible with the 'ct'
* Strategies
for Upgrading legacy controls using the
Unicode (ctx) control(s): |
ctButton (v3.0.0.1) |
multi-monitor support added
ctColorCombo (v3.0.0.1) |
multi-monitor support added
ctCombo (v7.0.0.1)
Enhanced multi-monitor support
ctColorPick (v4.0.0.2) |
Enhanced multi-monitor
support added
ctDropDate (v5.0.0.2) |
Enhanced multi-monitor support
ctGrid (v5.0.0.3) |
Enhanced multi-monitor
support added
ctListBar (v9.0.0.1) |
multi-monitor support added
ctTips (v5.0.0.1) |
Enhanced multi-monitor support
ctToolBar (v7.0.0.1) |
Enhanced multi-monitor
support added
What's New in Studio Controls for COM
ctCombo - (v7.0.0.0)
- New: Header Border Color, Header Shadow Color, Header
Style, enumHeaderStyle enumeration - These upgrades enhance 3D and
Windows 7 style presentations
ctDropDate - (v5.0.0.0) |
- Updated (without new GUID)
allowing navigation to new months
when a fill date is clicked in the
drop calendar
ctExplorerBar - (v4.0.0.0) |
- New: ListCtrlID, Selected Item and
Selected List - these property additions allow for discrete
interaction and presentation with the list attributes of the Outlook /
Explorer Bar control.
ctHTML - (v4.0.0.0) |
- New: Silent (Property)
functionality added - allowing for
the suppression of all dialogs that
the web browser control may
generate. In some cases, this is
useful, because it can help ensure a
"quiet" user experience without
unexpected popups
ctListBar -
(v9.0.0.0) |
- New: Select Back Color To,
Select Fill Type, Select Rounded
Edge value added to the enum Select
Type enumeration - these properties
have been added to enhance Windows 7
style presentations
ctMonth - (v10.0.0.0) |
After Page Change event -
assists the developer synchronizing the data to be displayed for the current
month presentation.
New: Fill Vertical Edge 2 value added
to the enum Fill Type enumeration - enhances Windows 7 style
ctTips - (v5.0.0.0) |
- Tips Vista value added to enum
Tips Type enumerations - enhances
newer Windows style presentations
ctToolBar - (v7.0.0.0) |
What's New in Studio Controls for COM
ctCalendar -
(v6.0.0.0) new to ctCalendar: |
BeforeWeekSummaryPaint event added to enable changing of
the Week Summary text through the WeekSummaryText property
New Zune Black control style
a new vertical edge fill type has been added (VertEdge2)
enhanced printed report functionality allowing Page Numbers
to be toggled (turned
- (v3.0.0.0) new to ctDayView: |
Enhancement to the OnMouseWheel event enabling mouse
wheel values to be read from the Registry
New Zune Black
control style.
An AppointmentForeColor property
has been added allowing greater custom style setting by the developers
a new vertical edge fill type has been added
enhanced printed report functionality allowing Page Numbers
to be toggled (turned
ctGrid (v5.0.0.0) new to ctGrid: |
Progress Bar - Column data types can now be set to a "Progress
Bar" style. Progress Bars will take a value of 0-100. Properties
available on the Progress Bars include: height,
from color and to color, and fill type.
Another new additional includes Hit test methods for ColumnAt
and ItemAt (1 based) and the Pre-Column is set to return a value of 0.
enhanced printed report functionality allowing Page
Numbers to be toggled (turned off/on
a new vertical edge fill type has been added
related style properties have been enhanced including: HeaderOverFillType,
HeaderOverBackColorTo, PreColumnFillType, and PreColumnBackColorTo
Header arrows now have an additional setting for
Mouse Wheel enhancement - the OnMouseWheel event enables
the mouse wheel values to be read from the Registry
new to ctList: |
Progress Bar - Column data types can now be set to
a "Progress
Bar" style. Progress Bars will take a value of 0-100. Properties
available on the Progress Bars include: height,
from color and to color, and fill type.
Sub Text formatting enhancement - a new SubTextBackColor
property allows for Coloring of the background area of
all the subtext areas. TheSubTextBackColor property is set to Clear by
Another new additional includes Hit test methods for ColumnAt
and ItemAt (1 based) and the Pre-Column is set to return a value of 0.
enhanced printed report functionality allowing Page
Numbers to be toggled (turned
New SelectedBackColorTo, SelectedFillType, NoFocusBackColorTo
and NoFocusBorderColor properties have been added replacing the FocusType property
(backward compatibility has been maintained) to allow greater control over
focus and item selected border coloring.
Added, Windows 7 fill styles for Rounded Borders. Selected
items now use a 2 pass fill system that allows the fill and the border
to have an enhanced 3D presentation.
Mouse Wheel enhancement - the OnMouseWheel event
enables the mouse wheel values to be read from the Registry
(v10.0.0.0) new to ctTree: |
A new addition to ctTree includes Hit test methods for ColumnAt
and ItemAt (1 based), and the Pre-Column is set to return a value of 0
enhanced printed report functionality allowing Page
Numbers to be toggled (turned
New SelectedBackColorTo, SelectedFillType, NoFocusBackColorTo
and NoFocusBorderColor properties have been added replacing the FocusType property
(backward compatibility has been maintained) to allow greater control over
focus and item selected border coloring.
DrawFocus property added (like ctList)
New sorting methods - FindFirstSelected and FindNextSelected methods
have been added
New Header styling properties - NodeHeaderBackColor, NodeHeaderBackColorTo, and NodeHeaderFillType
properties are now available
Added, Windows 7 fill styles for Rounded Borders. Selected
items now use a 2 pass fill system that allows the fill and the border
to have an enhanced 3D presentation.
Mouse Wheel enhancement - the OnMouseWheel event enables
the mouse wheel values to be read from the Registry
What's New in Studio Controls for COM
Studio Controls for COM v1.1
certified for and supported on Windows 7
ctDayView -
New for ctDayView |
- Updated with ColumnAt method and TimeAt
method - ideal for identifying specific location of cursor and/or
defining specific location by coordinates.
ctDEdit -
New for ctDEdit |
ctDropDate -
New for ctDropDate |
- Upgraded with
notation. Entering + or -
and a value when running the control in numeric format will
increment/decrement the current value of the control by the number of
days entered.
ctList -
New for ctList |
- Upgraded List Headers with Border Colors,
new Header Style properties - including specific styles settings for
header over; selected items - styles and fill types; pre-column
alignment - aligns text, images etc. contained in the pre-column.
ctTree -
New for ctTree |
New sort arrow color, sort arrow type;
upgraded ctTree Headers - Border Colors, new Header Style properties -
including specific styles settings
for header over
ctToolBar -
New for ctToolBar |
New foreground
color added allowing for
Returning/setting the foreground
color of a tool bar button
What was
new in Studio Controls for COM
Controls |
New licensing model fully
compliant with Microsoft Access 2007 third party component licensing. NEW
- PropertyPage Property providing access to the custom property pages in
design-time or run-time for all IDE's independent of the IDE’s object menu.
ctColorCombo |
ctCombo |
- Vista Styles, header status for
list items, Dual Monitor support
ctDays |
- Retired, replaced by ctDayView
ctDayView -
New Control |
- This is a new Multi-Column
DayView control incorporating all of
the great functionality from its
predecessor and now includes: Vista
styles, display up to 35
days/columns in a view, custom
header styles, Weekend designation,
new navigation styles, Double click
appointments, individual appointment
styles, variable appointment time
increments, multiple time zones,
methods and properties for managing
appointment conflicts, appointment
formatting options, appointment key
ID's, appointment images, built-in
ctDEdit |
ctDropDate |
- Vista Styles, and New Navigation
ctDropMenu |
- Vista Styles, new Font property,
now set control visibility at
run-time, new menu selected-item
ctList |
- Vista styles, Null check boxes
can be set to ignore mouse clicks
ctListBar |
ctMDay |
- Retired, replaced by ctDayView
ctMenu |
ctNEdit |
- Vista styles, additional
currency support,
ctTips |
- Dual Monitor support,
Vista-styles tips, separate header/
footer and body areas, header/
footer and boy areas support text
and/or an image. Use a bitmap image
as a tip, Color masking, support for
irregular shaped tips. Also, support
for windowless control in IDE's such
as VFP and MS Access
ctToolBar |
- Vista Styles, Dual Monitor
support, Vertical and Horizontal
orientation, set menus
top/bottom/left/right. Unique fonts
in buttons and menu items. adjust
ToolBar on-screen location using
StartDragOut event, Menu item select
ctTree |
- Null check boxes can be set to
ignore mouse clicks, Vista styles
ctWeek |
- Developer modifiable header
colors per column, Vista styles
ctYear |
  |