ActiveX Controls for Enterprise Application Design



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ctxGroup is a 32-Bit and 64-Bit Enhanced ActiveX Group Box control providing developers an effective approach for grouping data input values.
  ctxGroup - 32-bit and 64-bit ActiveX Group Box Control  
  Quickly and effectively manage a group of child components using a single container control - ctxGroup. An ideal component for positioning radio buttons, check boxes... for currect Windows UI and UX design presentations.  
  Container : When the host language supports the ISimpleFrame option, all objects placed within the group box behave as its children.  
  Caption Options : The component's caption may be aligned to the left, right, or center. Additionally, the caption may be displayed on top or on the bottom of the group.  
  Border Options : The border around the component may be raised, lowered, single-line, or hidden. The width of the border may be altered. Additionally, any valid color may be assigned to the border. A rounded border allows for current Windows styles.  
  Simulated Transparency : Provides a transparent background without requiring the host language to support transparency through its OLE container. This allows transparency to be provided to a larger number of development environments.  
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Featured Controls of Studio Controls COM

Please Note:  the 'ctx' prefaced controls are those being further enhanced and updated
ctxCalendar ctxHTML ctAlarm ctHyperlink
ctxCheck ctxImage    ctBanner ctPaper  
ctxColor ctxListbar    ctButton ctPush  
ctxCombo ctxListView    ctCalc ctRadio  
ctxContact ctxMEdit    ctClip ctRuler  
ctxDate ctxMeter   ctClock ctScroll  
  ctxDEdit ctxNavBar    ctColorButton ctSList  
  ctxDial ctxNEdit   ctColorCombo ctSpin  
  ctxDigit ctxPanel   ctColorPicker ctSpiral  
ctxDropDate ctxPrint  ctExplorer ctTray
ctxDropMenu  ctxSlide    ctFill ctWave  
ctxExplorerBar ctxSplit    ctGrid ctWeek  
  ctxFile ctxTabs        
  ctxFold ctxText         
ctxFont  ctxTips         
ctxFrame  ctxToolbar         
ctxGauge  ctxTree   
  ctxGroup ctxYear         
** 'ct' prefaced controls are being fazed out, available replacements will be found prefaced by 'ctx' **
    What's Included Licensing Options Feature Highlights ActiveX COM Products
    Royalty Free Distribution > Single Developer Latest Windows Styles > Solutions Schedule COM 64
    Detailed documentation > Five Developer Data view Progress Bars > Studio Controls COM 64
  Sample Applications > Site License Hit Test Methods  
  - Access, VB, VFP DBI Platform Product > Solutions Schedule COM
  - Compiled / Executables > What's New Data presentation tools > Studio Controls COM
  - Source Code Samples Custom Navigation  
    Annual component updates Fast, Intuitive component-based  programming .NET | XAML Controls
Annual product upgrades > Studio Controls .NET
  Direct Access to Support   Access Licensing Support > Solutions Schedule .NET
  Online Activations Current Windows Styles > Solutions Schedule WPF
  Online License Management Windows 10 certified > DBI Calendar WPF
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