for Enterprise
Application Design |
ctxDate 32 - is a quick
option for adding modern date
presentations and date selection
capabilities. ctxDate 32 is a visual
representation of a monthly calendar
presenting one or two months at a time. |
For date selection, end users need only
to click on the desired date. Display
options include: It's small size
makes it ideal in situations where there
might not be a lot of room for a
calendar. |
weekend colors,
- independent date colors,
- navigation buttons,
- border styles for selected
and unselected dates.
ctxDate 32's small size makes it an ideal
control for situations where a full
calendar is not an option.
Presentation Styles :
Independent weekend, date, or week
number colors. Show or hide fill-dates
from last and next months. Show or hide
navigation buttons. Flat or 3D display
Print in Window : Print the
contents of the current calendar on a
specific area of a page. Requires a
valid printer device context.
Date Handling Methods : Custom
methods to quickly code - Last Day, Last
Month, Last Year, Next Day, Next Month,
Next Year, or Today. |
Definable Weekends :
Define the days associated with the
weekends and assign a custom background
color. |
Dual Months : Display
two months at a time. |
Week Numbers : Display
week numbers with a user defined start
of year. Optionally show week numbers to
the left or right of dates. |
Today Date : Display
the current date at the bottom of the
calendar. |
Multi-Select : Select
more than one date at a time. |
Simulated Transparency
: Provides a transparent background
without requiring the host language to
support transparency through its OLE
container. This allows transparency to
be provided to a larger number of
development environments. |