for Enterprise
Application Design |
The ctxNavBar is a 32-bit and 64-bit
content navigation control similar to a
hybrid of a tree view control and a list
bar control, offering Windows developers
an effective approach for navigating
Parent - Child lists of data content.
ctxNavBar acts like a tree view in that
it can contain a list of items and each
item can contain a list of child items.
Developer defined, the control can also
be setup as a list bar control where
only one parent can be open at a time. |
ctxNavBar is a hybrid hierarchical
treeview and listbar component wrapped
into a single, customizable presentation
control |
ctxNavBar displays a list of data items
or topics and each topic or data item
may contain its own collection of child
items |
End-user simplicity :
is maintained by only one topic opening
at a time. ctxNavBar gives developers a
quick and elegant way to present
categories of information offering quick
and easy access to items in a familiar
presentation |
Parent and Child Hierarchy
: Set up groups of parent items with
associated child items underneath them.
Only one set of child nodes can be
visible at any time |
Backgrounds and Images
: Support for developer defined
background styles and custom images |
Image List : Store up
to 100 images in an internal image list |
Mouse Over and Select Status
: Independent fonts and colors when the
mouse moves over an item/topic or when
an item/topic is selected |
Simulated Transparency
: Provides a transparent background
without requiring the host language to
support transparency through its OLE
container |