ctxCalendar - (v4.0.0.0)
- Enhancements and upgrades for
ctxCalendar v4.0 include:
Appointment Information Line,
Enhanced Gesture Handling,
Appointment Resize Enhancements,
Appointment Edit Window Fill,
Appointment Border Enhancements,
Appointment Image Management;
Appointment Edit Windows focus,
Enhanced how the control hides the
edit window when focus is lost so
that the appointment remains
selected; Adjusted when the resize
handles are stored in the internal
hittest array, to enforce their
Z-Order priority over other
appointments; Adjusted the painting
routines so that any selected
appointment (read only or not) in
any view is displayed using the
thicker selected border
ctxCalendar - (v3.0) |
- NEW Functionality: Appointment
Index; User Drawn Date Header Text;
User Drawn Cell Text; Cell Font;
Day View - Selected Start / End Time,
Selected Column; Day View Printing
Enhanced; Location Item Index Values -
Appointment, Contact, Location and Task;
Enhanced Appointment Item Detail for Day,
Month and Week Views;
ctxCalendar - (v2.0) |
- New for Studio Controls COM 64,
ctxCalendar combines the best of three
appointment scheduling worlds into one 32 /
64 bit ActiveX control. Multi Column Day
View, Monthly Calendar and a Week View. Load Data once
and present Appointment, Contact, Location
and Task detail across one, two or all three
ctxCalendar is found in:
Studio ControlsTM
COM 64 - 27 UI / UX design and
Scheduling controls for any 64-bit OLE compliant
Studio ControlsTM
89 UI / UX
design and Scheduling controls for any 32-bit
OLE compliant IDE |
Calendar COM 64TM
32-bit and 64-bit
appointment scheduling control for any 64-bit
OLE compliant IDE |