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The Dynamics of Scheduling

Applying component software to quickly achieve scheduling success.




Scheduling :  for many of us scheduling is a common term for referencing a period of time allocated for an activity. That allocation may be contrasted against a vertical time-line (ruler) as is common with day timers, Microsoft Outlook and other appointment book presentations. DBI represents this type of functionality in the calendar and appointment scheduling controls found in Studio Controls.

 An alternate perspective in scheduling may be termed as Gantt-style, a common reference in project management, where a value of time (time bar) is associated with a resource in relation to a horizontal time line (ruler). Gantt includes a definition where the relation of activities on a time line (ruler) may be linked or have affect to other activities/ resources along the same time line. The concept of Gantt in terms of scheduling resources (assets) allows a quick reference of availability which may or may not be directly related to other entities. The ability at a high level to see what a list of resources are doing, when, where, how and why.  DBI represents this type of application functionality in Solutions Schedule.


There are three distinct perspectives to the term scheduling; Appointment Scheduling, Multi-Resource / Asset Management Scheduling and Project management. Project management incorporates an element of timeline scheduling, however, its true value is in managing a collection of required resources to complete a series of tasks in direct relation to each other, over a proposed period of time.  Appointment scheduling focuses on an individual entity or entities over a series of hours or days. What may be termed as micro scheduling. Multi-resource and asset management scheduling on the other hand focuses on a list of entities (typically a Y axis presentation) and their status along a fixed or varying time line (an X axis orientation) which may include other relational information captured by an associated time bar. The concept of macro scheduling may be termed in this context.

In many scheduling instances macro (resource) and micro (appointment) scheduling views are needed to give end-users the right tools at the right time and to correctly present and interact with time-based relational information.

In this edition we showcase the basics of multi-resource | asset management scheduling using Solutions Schedule for .NET.


A) Developing with the Solutions Schedule control

1) The areas of the dbiSchedule - a quick terminology guide

The Schedule control can be broken down into five unique areas for discussion : Title, List, Ruler, Schedule, and Timebar.

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The List Area on the left of the control holds the Schedule Items; that is the resources and or collections of resources being scheduled. A list item (resource) is the container for the timebars that represent the scheduled use of the resource.   Each list item can host other list items, thereby allowing for a tree structure, including headers with full support for expanding and collapsing the child items. The control surfaces events to validate the addition, editing, and deletion of timebars and list items that fire before and after user interaction to allow the developer to validate the input and  modify the underlying data structure.

2) Creating List Items

The List Items are the underlying structure of the Schedule. As such, most of the planning of a Schedule will involve developing a meaningful structure for presenting the data. As mentioned previously each item can host other items to create a collapsible tree structure, this can be useful for setting up meeting rooms, departments, projects or whatever your needs are. A good example of list items and sub-items would be a Clinic with multiple floors.  Each floor has doctors and each doctor has one or more examining rooms.  When an item is collapsed to its header all the sub items including their timebars will be collapsed as well.  Using the controls built-in UserDrawn Header functionality the developer can create a meaningful overview for the header that allows for a great overview presentation which will then allow your users to drill down into the pertinent areas of the schedule. The list items can be created and removed at any time.  The controls FirstDraw event is ideal for the initial loading of the control from a data structure.


        'Create a parent and child Schedule List Item

        Dim newParent As New Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiScheduleItem

        Dim newChild As New Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiScheduleItem


        'Set some properties on the parent item

        'The VerticalEdge fill style gives the

        'Vista arrowglass effect.

        newParent.Text = "Parent Item"

        newParent.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue

        newParent.BackColorTo = Color.Blue

        newParent.FillType = Dbi.enumFillType.VerticalEdge


        'Set some properties on the child item

        newChild.Text = "Child Item"

        newChild.BackColor = Color.PaleVioletRed

        newChild.BackColorTo = Color.Red

        newChild.FillType = Dbi.enumFillType.VerticalEdge


        'Add the child item to the parent item



        'Add the parent item to the dbiSchedule


3) Creating and editing timebar

A timebar at its core is a start date/time, end date/time, text and drawing properties. One of the more powerful properties on a timebar is the Tag property (more on this in the discussion on data binding). As with other tags its a generic object property that can accept either a datarow or custom object containing more information on each timebar. This is extremely useful for tying the timebar back to data, drilling down into the timebar detail, or for reporting.

Timebars can be created programmatically from a data structure during the dbiSchedule.FirstDraw event (loading the control from a database) or by having the user click and drag in the Schedule Area on a list item, or by dragging and dropping from another object outside of the schedule control into the schedule area of the schedule control. There are several edit modes available on the dbiSchedule which can be used to split, copy, move, or erase timebars. 

        'Adding some timebars


        'Create a new Schedule List Item

        Dim newItem As New Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiScheduleItem

        'Set some properties on the item

        newItem.Text = "New Item"

        'Add the new item to the schedule



        'Create a timebar and set the start, end and text properties

        Dim newTimebar1 As New Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiTimeBarItem

        newTimebar1.Start = Today.AddHours(9)

        newTimebar1.End = Today.AddHours(10)

        newTimebar1.Text = "First Timebar"


        'Create a second timebar and set the start, end and text properties

        Dim newTimebar2 As New Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiTimeBarItem

        newTimebar2.Start = Today.AddHours(9)

        newTimebar2.End = Today.AddHours(10)

        newTimebar2.Text = "First Timebar"


        'Add the timebars to the item...

        'Remember the items are the containers for the timebars




4) Working with the ruler

 The ruler is an extremely malleable construct. The control contains several predefined time-type formats (Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months).  The control also provides the ability to customize the ruler using the dbiSchedule.ValuePoint event which will allow you to change the text that is displayed in the ruler. This event combined with the flexible dbiSchedule.TimeDistance property allows the developer to create custom time lines with a simple calculation formula to convert from a built-in ruler to a custom ruler; for example to display a schedule in Microseconds (for complex software timing applications or engineering plans).  To assist the user in placing timebars at specific points in the schedule the new guidelines functionality can snap newly created or moved timebars to a specific time. The control also contains a built-in snap to grid feature which can be used to assist the user by snapping the timebar to a fixed time increment.


'Add a new guide line to the schedule.

        Dim objGuideline As Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiGuideLine

        objGuideline = New Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.dbiGuideLine

  objGuideline.LineTime = Today.AddHours(6)

        objGuideline.ImageIndex = 0 'Gray marker

        objGuideline.LineColor = Color.LightGray


5) Data and the dbiSchedule

First and foremost the dbiSchedule control is an interface control. It provides the user with an elegant scrollable multi-resource interface to an underlying data source. The control is not designed to store the data but rather it provides a user interface to view and interact with the data.  The control contains built-in print functionality to print the control and its contents, as well as a create image functionality to create a physical image of the control.  In all cases the data should always be managed through the data layer. With the object oriented architecture of the .NET version of the control and the flexibility of the ADO.NET data structure, managing the interaction between the control, its objects, and the underlying data they represent is significantly easier than in the days of COM. The simplest form of data structure for a schedule is a table containing the Schedule List Items and a table of Timebars which have a reference to the Schedule Item Key Field. This way in the first draw, the developer can fill a datatable with the data for a schedule and using a for..each loop add the Items and Timebars to the control. A recommended practice is to store the record (datarow) in tag property of the object being used to represent the data.  For example a list item in the list area would contain the datarow of the item from the database.  This way during the various After events the developer can easily update the data structure by persisting the change in the datarow contained in the tag property of the object that generated the event. The schedule control offers various events for the validation of the objects being hosted in the control through the various edit modes prefaced with Before. Once the users input has been validated an After event is fired where the developer can then update the data in the datarow and persist the change back to the database.




























An example of validating the Timebar object is during the BeforeTimebarInsert event where the developer can check to see if the timebar is in conflict with another timebar by using the TimeBarConflicts collection:

    Private Sub DbiSchedule1_BeforeTimeBarInsert(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.BeforeTimeBarInsertEventArgs) Handles DbiSchedule1.BeforeTimeBarInsert


        'Test to see if new appointment is in conflict with any

  'other appointments with the doctor. 

        'NOTE: Two appointments cannot be with the same doctor at the same time

        If Me.DbiSchedule1.TimeBarConflicts(e.TimeBarItem, e.ScheduleItem).Count > 0 Then

            'Disallow the insert

            e.AllowInsert = False

        End If

    End Sub

When the e.AllowInsert is set to false the AfterTimebarInsert event will not fire, however if the timebar is allowed to be added to the schedule item then the AfterTimebarInsert event will fire and the code in that event can update the data (assuming that the datarow of the resource  is in the tag property of the Schedule Item):

    Private Sub DbiSchedule1_AfterTimeBarInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Dbi.WinControl.Schedule.AfterTimeBarInsertedEventArgs) Handles DbiSchedule1.AfterTimeBarInserted

        'NOTE: This event fires after a time bar has been inserted by the user in the control.

        'In the BeforeTimeBarInserted event the time bar (appointment) is checked for conflicts.

        'This event occurs after the time bar is created (no conflicts) and is therefore ready to be saved.

        Dim newAppointment As DataRow


        'Save new meeting to database

        'Create a new dataRow object

        newAppointment = dtMeetings.NewRow


        'Set the DoctorID on the dataRow

        'This is used to attach each Timebar

        'to it's respective doctor.

        newAppointment.Item("DoctorID") = e.ScheduleItem.Tag.Item("DoctorID")

        'Set the properties of the dataRow

        newAppointment.Item("AppointmentStart") = e.TimeBarItem.Start

        newAppointment.Item("AppointmentEnd") = e.TimeBarItem.End

        newAppointment.Item("PatientName") = e.TimeBarItem.Text

        newAppointment.Item("AppointmentType") = e.TimeBarItem.Cargo


        'Add the new dataRow to the dataTable.



        'Store the record represented by the time bar in the object's tag property

        e.TimeBarItem.Tag = newAppointment



    End Sub

As mentioned above, adding the datarow to the tags of the objects is an excellent way to extend the various objects. This allows the developer to append any number of extra fields to the control's objects and call them quickly within the controls events.

6) Conclusion

The dbiSchedule control is an amazing tool for handling multiple resource scheduling. With a flexible tree structure and customizable timeline (ruler) the dbiSchedule control provides a solid and dynamic interface for visually managing your resource scheduling/appointment scheduling needs. Customizable item, timebar and ruler presentations including new Vista arrowglass fill styles make for an attractive presentation and if you need to go the extra mile, you can take advantage of the User Drawn features to create your own graphics for timebars and header/footer items. For more information and detailed samples, please see our Demos and Helpfiles available through the Solutions Schedule for .NET Product Manager available for download at



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