Enterprise Resource Planning & Scheduling
Custom User Drawn functionality
- has been extended for the Multi-Column
Resource List / Grid View Scroll Bar and
for the Drag and Drop, Gantt Scheduling
Area Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars |
Solutions Schedule .NET version 9.0
built-in reporting output
file format options |
Scroll Bars -
Horizontal and Vertical presentation
options: Normal, Block, None |
Highlights of Version 8
Individual Time Distance Values
- for each
Schedule Object contained in an instance
of dbiSchedule.dll - note the date and
time distance for each schedule object
in this single instance of Solutions
Schedule .NETEnterprise. |
UserDrawn Custom Areas
- UserDrawn attributes
of Solutions Schedule .NET Enterprise
extend a developer's ability to display
specifics of a schedule and/or highlight
important aspects of a schedule,
including reserved time or dead zones
ideal for cross-docking or keynote
speaker engagements... |
Resource List UserDrawn Horizontal
Scroll Bar -
Solutions Schedule .NET Enterprise
includes the ability to set the resource
list horizontal scroll bar visibility,
as well, customize the scroll bar
presentation with the UserDrawn
properties. |
Integrated ToolTip Functionality
- Solutions Schedule .NET hosts
its own detail presentation ToolTip.
Including attributes for TimeBar Create,
TimeBar Adjust, TimeBar Move, Vertical
Scroll Bar ToolTip and the ability to
override the ToolTip presentation. |
Resource Item Highlight
- Select an item in the Resource
List (Grid) and set the highlight to
continue through the Schedule Area. |
Image In View - Set
stock or custom UserDrawn TimeBar Images
to remain in view. |
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