Visualizing Enterprise Resource
Studio Controls
- dbiMonth  |
dbi Month is a modern
Visual Studio .NET ( C#, VB ) Windows
and Smart Client control for displaying
dates and appointments quickly and as
far into the future or into the past as
the situation requires.
built-in month and year navigation
points offer flexibility to developers
creating calendar interfaces for modern
Windows UI designs.
Presentations, whether on screen or in
printed reports are effective points of
communication. Create lasting printed
impressions with dbiMonth.
dbiMonth is an excellent companion
component for presenting appointment
schedules in Outlook-style month and
week views. |
* Month calendar presentations
* Individual month and year
* Unique date formatting
* Per date color, text and graphics
* Set presentation styles once for
all instances
* Direct data-management with one
data component
* Comprehensive appointment and
date presentations
* Trigger appointment detail
presentation with built-in settings |
Foundations are supporting structures
that give strength and continuity to the
presentations they support. DBI's
underlying foundation layer gives
one-point support for common visual
presentations and data structures for
each instance of the dbi Calendar
control. |
Connect any data to DBI's underlying
data manager (dbiPIM.dll) and then
communicate with each instance of the
dbiDayView, dbiCalendar, and dbiMonth
controls with a single reference.
dbi Month offers developers the
flexibility to implement effective user
interfaces ::
* Owner ( user ) Drawn week
* Standard Vista fill types
* Multi-select
* Developer defined custom fill
* Build-in print and print preview
* Weekly summary date format
* Developer defined styles
Customize your DBI component
implementations with:
* Modern Windows UI themes
and styles
* date level formatting
* background images
* date images
* first day of week selection
* Maximum Date Selection
* built-in print and print
* output to image
* and more ... |