Staff Scheduler Source Code
Ten years of analyzing, designing, and creating solutions for customer's scheduling requirements has earned DBI a reputation as "The Scheduling Specialist". Part of DBI�s corporate mission is to create a select number of premier commercial software component products to assist Windows developers in their creation of great schedule solutions.
Since the launch of our first commercial scheduling component product DBI has received numerous requests each and every year for more in-depth scheduling solutions and requests to assist in the programming of customers� projects. DBI has listened, analyzed and compiled those requests into a common, commercial framework from which our customers can build-upon and implement their own unique scheduling solutions.
Staff-Scheduler Pro Source Code includes the following functionality:

Drag and Drop Scheduling

Schedule by Department, Position or Employee

Automatic Schedule Conflict Detection
  • Already Scheduled

  • Attempt to Schedule on a day off

  • Schedule Exception (holiday) request

  • Staff Experience (skill)

  • Staff Availability

Quickly create new Schedule Plans based on a Previous Schedule Plan

View Schedules
  • Staff

  • Department, Position & Staff

Email Schedule(s)
Export to HTML for posting 7 and 28 day Schedules
Print Schedule(s) for any period of time (start and end date)
Manage Labour Burden in real time (labour cost vs project revenue)
Built-in Reporting
  • Staff Cost

  • 7 & 28 Day Scheduling

  • Staff & Hours Reporting

Expand/ Collapse Departments within the Schedule Plan

Built-in Multi-User support

Staff Attendance Exceptions
Staff Overtime

Source Code written in Visual Basic 6.0�

Licensed for corporate distribution (Click to see License Agreement)

Minimum royalties for commercial product distribution

Features ctSchedule and 20 other marquee DBI components

  Feature Highlights
  Drag and Drop Scheduling
  Scheduling Conflict Detection
  Built In Reporting:
  • Staff Cost
  • 7 Day Schedule
  • 28 Day Schedule
  • Individual Staff Schedules
  • Schedule Exceptions
  • Staff & Position Hours
  • Staff List
  Built in Multi User Support
  Staff Attendance Exceptions
  Staff Overtime
  Source Code written in Visual Basic 6.0
  Staff Scheduler Source Code
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