Visualizing Enterprise Resource Data


Solutions Schedule WPF

Solutions Schedule WPF - brings full featured Enterprise Resource Data Visualization to the fore. Present, Plan and Schedule Resource based data with the ease of Gantt style Drag and Drop functionality. 
Extend enterprise resource management and optimization functionality quickly and efficiently. For example, COVID-19 Pandemic Response Data Visualisation.
Solutions Schedule WPF COVID-19 Pandemic Response Planning and Scheduling

< What's New in Solutions Schedule WPF >

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Industry Proven and Time Tested

Solutions Schedule WPF is a comprehensive control for managing and presenting enterprise information in Gantt and Resource style presentations. Create fully functional Resource Gantt, Planning and Scheduling solutions in minutes.  
DBI Technologies Inc - Solutions Schedule WPF - Logistics, Production Planning, ERP...
Welcome to Solutions Schedule WPF - the industry tested developer's choice of snap-in Enterprise Resource Planning and Scheduling component software.

There are five primary elements that comprise Solutions Schedule:

Solutions Schedule WPF - Drag Drop Gantt Resource Planning and Scheduling
DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule .NET 7.0 Solutions Schedule WPF - Gantt Drag Drop Scheduling AreaThe Schedule Area, where time bars are created and interacted with and through which developers define the type of Gantt style end-user interaction, varying degrees of accuracy and supporting information that can be surfaced.
DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule .NET 7.0 Solutions Schedule WPF - Multi Column Resource List FeaturesThe multi column List View and Tree View area - where developers define either style of presentation - the direct edit List View or the Tree View and connect data for presenting and interacting with categorized lists of Resources.
DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule .NET 7.0 Solutions Schedule WPF - Time Types Ruler by DBI Technologies IncThe Ruler Area, which offers direct time line customization for creating plans and schedules based on time types and time lines of Seconds and Minutes to Days, Weeks, Quarters and Years.   Major and minor time interval settings accommodate great flexibility.
DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule .NET 7.0 DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule .NET 7 List ItemsList Items, which originate in the List View / Tree View area and carry through the Scheduling Area for a contiguous representation of Resources and the tasks and roles assigned to them. Excel style drag and drop of node items is supported.
DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule .NET 7.0 Solutions Schedule - Gantt Style Drag and Drop User Drawn Time BarsThe Time Bars, which reside within the Gantt Scheduling Area complete DBI’s unique Gantt Style, intuitively interactive, Drag and Drop planning and scheduling surface with User Drawn options.
Each of the primary elements that comprise Solutions Schedule are managed dynamically by the architecture and business rules applied through the construct of the control.

Further, via the Properties, Events and Methods (PEMs) developers are provided discrete programmability and full control of the control's presentation - including user (owner) drawn features built into the List / Tree View, Time Line Ruler, Time Bars and Schedule area. User Drawn features are found in the Enterprise license.
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Schedule Object Details
The Schedule Area offers developers and end-users an intuitive Gantt style, drag and drop area for planning and scheduling multiple resources grouped and organized as required across various time lines and time-period presentations.
When managing resources across domains and with varying time tables there is a significant advantage offered by Solutions Schedule - being able to present multiple schedules each with differing time scales and schedule period spans (days, weeks etc.) - and all in one view that also allows dragging and dropping between the schedule objects for increased efficiency.
 Solutions  Schedule  - Multiple Schedules in a single instance
Within the Schedule Area there are a number of objects that offer fine grained interaction with schedule plans. For example:
Solutions Schedule  - Schedule NotesNotes – Notes are stationary visual objects in the schedule. Tool tips with information about the note are displayed when the mouse hovers over the Note icon. Notes can be used to draw attention to important aspects of a schedule.
 Solutions Schedule - More Time Bars ImageLine arrows are images placed at the start or end of a schedule item notifying the end-user that other tasks have been scheduled that are not within the viewable schedule area.
 Solutions Schedule  - Guide Lines functionalityGuide Lines are vertical lines within the schedule area for representing a critical point in time and also to help align time bars accurately.
Solutions Schedule - Current Time LineCurrent Time Line is a vertical line drawn in the schedule representing the current time of day. The Current Time Offset property can be used to display the line in different time zones.
 Solutions Schedule  - Custom AreasDead zones set specific areas of the schedule where activities cannot be set - mouse actions are not allowed to create or move time bars into a dead zone.
Solutions Schedule  - Edit ModesEdit modes extend or restrict the CRUD aspects of Solutions Schedule WPF. There are seven specific edits modes:  Edit, Erase, Select, Link, Unlink, Split and Guideline, which can be presented via the Edit Modes Toolbar object.
Solutions Schedule  - Gantt Area  Navigation List GuideWe often encounter large schedule presentations having thousands of Resources with an exponential number of Time bars planned over an extended period of time. In these situations it's really nice having the List Guide feature available to assist interaction within the Schedule Area especially when the resource list / tree may not be in view.
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Multi Column List / Tree View Object Details
Solutions Schedule .NET offers two operational modes for displaying Resources - a traditional multi - column List View, as well, a Tree View:
DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions Schedule Tree View + List View
In addition to the multi column list and tree view options, there are many customization and intuitive end-user features that allow for unique ERP, MRP and other planning presentations, including: 
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In Cell Editing:
Built in edit box and combo box
Support for 3rd party edit controls  
Standard edit modes:  <Enter>, <Esc>, <Tab>, and <Shift Tab> for navigation
Modify the Edit Controls default move and size settings
Direct access of text and combo boxes for:  
  • Addition of new navigation keys  
  • Overriding behavior of existing navigation keys
  • Creating edit masks DBI Technologies Inc. - Solutions  Schedule List View + Tree View Customization
List / Tree View Area Options
  Drag and Drop Resource List Item within Parent Node
Change Line Item height by click and drag
Change Column widths by click and drag
Column Sorting built-in
Line Item Headers independent of columns
Click and drag line items within parent group*
Line Item sub text
Booleans – support for check boxes in a column
  Set Resource List Horizontal Scroll Bar Visible   
List / Tree View Area - User Drawn Features:  
  • Line Item – Override the default painting of a line item.
  • Cells – Override the default painting of a single line item cell
  • Column Headers – Override the default painting of a column header
  • Title - Override the default painting of the list title
  • Resource List UserDrawn Horizontal Scroll Bar  
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Time Line Ruler  
The Schedule Ruler offers great flexibility for creating and managing activities, roles, appointments, etc. across any combination of time type and time value:
User Drawn Timeline Ruler Segments  -  ie. custom week presentation
Time types include divisions of hours, days, weeks, months and years.
Time Distance values allow for managing resources down to the second - an important aspect when scheduling robotics - and to years for planning conferences, equipment rentals and production cycles having long durations.
The Time Distance property allows developers to create zoom-in and zoom-out capabilities for their schedule presentations.
Ruler Selection – The start and end time of a selected time bar is highlighted in the time line ruler, allowing for more accurate alignment of resource time allocations.
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Time Bar Features  
Time bars represent the events, assigned roles and appointments attributed to each resource across the time line in a schedule object.
Time bar functionality offered in Solutions Schedule is extensive, offering developers the ability to provide and end-users the opportunity to consume a wealth of information in a single glance:
Regular text and sub-text – time bars support 2 text string display options
Text Into View – Make sure the data intended for display is always visible
Time Bar Dates – display the start / end days of the month within a time bar
Duplicate time bars quickly with keyboard and mouse actions
Customize time bar presentations with:
  • Set TimeBars Visible by Attribute 
  • Milestone markers
  • Stock and custom supplied images
  • Percentage complete graphs in time bars
Set View - per Schedule Object, set the Schedule View
Overlap lines – extra thick lines drawn at the points where time bars overlap
Toggle Time Bars – place time bars behind or to the front
Alignment Lines – vertical lines appearing at either end of a time bar when a time bar is being created, moved or sized allowing for precision alignment
Links – Time bars can be linked with Gantt lines. Link time bars in any combination of Start to Start, Start to End, End to Start and End to End with standard, reciprocal or direct link.
Link Lines, Dash Patterns and Styles, User Drawn Link Lines
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General Features  
  Set the number of Schedule Objects for One Instance of the Control 
  Set individual Time Distance Values per Schedule Object 
  Independently set Schedule Objects Visible
  Excel style Drag and Drop same Node Resource Items 
  Selected Resource Item Highlight 
  User Drawn Time Bars 
  User Drawn Custom Schedule Areas 
  Integrated ToolTip  
Watermark and User Drawn Watermarks
Custom Areas, vertical offsets
Reporting - built in reporting, print preview, create image, mark items as page breaks
Custom reporting using Solutions Schedule .NET print document object
XML – write the contents of the control to an XML file and read it back at any time.
Selected time bar collection
Map Area – A visual representation of all active schedule objects placed along the top of the control for quick navigation
Scroll to Date - a time targeted method for programmatically navigating to specific points in a schedule
Hit test methods are provided allowing the developer to determine where the mouse is at any point in the control
  Solutions Schedule v6.0 Downaload Trial License DBI Technologies Inc. - Buy Solutions Schedule WPF
DBI Technologies Inc. Awarded Top 100 Component Software Publisher - 2017 by ComponentSourceDBI Technologies Inc. Awarded Top 100 Component Software Publisher - 2018 by ComponentSourceDBI Top 50 Control Publisher World Wide 2019DBI Top 100 Component Software Publisher World Wide 2020DBI Technologies Inc - Top Componennt VendorDBI Top 100 Control Publisher World Wide 2022DBI Top 100 Control Publisher World Wide 2023DBI Top 100 Control Publisher World Wide 2024
Schedule WPF Highlights Sample Applications What's Included Resources
Variable Time Types Data Binding Royalty Free Distribution Three Licensing Options 
Side by Side Schedules Drag Drop Detailed documentation -  Single Developer
List View | Tree View Edit Modes Sample Applications -  Five Developer < 
Gantt Style Scheduling   Schedule Guide Lines - C#  -  Site License < 
In Cell Editing Link Navigation - VB .NET
Cell Formatting List Conditional Editing - Compiled Feature Comparison <
Drag and Drop List Custom Controls Annual component updates What's New <
Reporting List Editing Annual product upgrades  
Edit Modes List Edit Navigation Direct Access to Support Online Demo's
Edit Toolbar List Features Online Activation - Schedule Drag Drop <
List Guide List Guide Online License Management - Side by Side Schedules <
Schedule Objects Schedule Map   - Schedule Notes <
Tool Tips Multi Schedule   - Undo Redo History <
Owner / User Draw Reporting   - User Drawn Schedules <
Schedule Map Schedule Colors   - Schedule Edit Modes <
Schedule Notes Schedule Notes   - Schedule Guide Lines <
Hit Test methods Styling   - List Features <
More Time Bars Time Bar Dialog   - Schedule Reporting <
Value Point Time Bar Options   - Schedule Time Types <
Guide Lines   Time Types    
Open Data Tool Tips    
Windows 10 certified Undo Redo History
Compiled to Any CPU User Drawn List    
  User Drawn Schedule    
User Drawn Time Bars
  Zoom In - Zoom Out    
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