Automating Metadata Management -


This Edition...
At the root of all our search for information what we really want to know first - is the content that we're about to consume truly what we are looking for.  Do we have confidence in those search results that we're not going to be wasting our time. In other words are the results of our search really and truly in context and relevant to the subject matter that we are looking for?

It comes down to the Metadata associated with each and every bit of content that we consume that gives precision to our search and retrieval of information.  What is Metadata?  Definition:  Metadata describes a resource, its content, its identifying characteristics and its "aboutness".   Truly, Metadata is 'Data about Data'.  So the question remains, how do we add contextually accurate and relevant 'Metadata' to our unstructured content, whether in production or already saved and archived, so that we can always have contextually accurate search and retrieval results?
Metadata Management - xAIgent, Doc-Tags, IndexDocs

Documents, audio recordings, videos, images – data is growing daily in the business world and most of it is unstructured, which makes it difficult for many organizations to extract insights and actionable information for improved business operations and smarter decision-making.

These business issues are now changing with the rise of new AI technologies, machine learning and natural language processing in today’s search and analytics solutions. From e-commerce and customer service, to intranet portals and collaboration, business leaders hungry for greater automation and intelligence are finding opportunities to improve processes and better empower their workforce to drive transformative results.

AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing can be complicated strategies to integrate into Enterprise systems. Give your unstructured data project a kick-start with a commercially proven and industry tested solution that brings AI, ML and NLP all under one hood and with straight forward actionable results - Doc-Tags !

We're making Complex Data Driven Decisions a whole lot easier!
Investigate Doc-Tags Today  = - Automated Document Tagging for fast, Relevant Information Search and Retrieval, Reporting and Document Comparison
IndexDocs.coma Truly Automated solution for creating Back-Of-The-Book Indexes 
xAIgent  -   A RESTful API for extracting Accurate, Contextually Relevant Metadata from any Text

Test Drive Doc-Tags Today ! 

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